Infection Mismanagement

infection mismanagement and malpractice in North CarolinaInfections are common during medical treatments or hospital visits, and are usually diagnosed and treated successfully. But many infections are not recognized or treated until it’s too late, and the patient has suffered avoidable injury or even death. Infection mismanagement often occurs when doctors and nurses fail to communicate with each other about infection risks or symptoms, or fail to act upon reports and known warning signs. There could also be a failure to investigate and rule out possible causes of a known infection.  The result is often fatal, as serious medical conditions go untreated.

Some examples of infection related malpractice:

The experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Raleigh’s Zaytoun & Ballew have represented numerous victims and their families in infection mismanagement cases in North Carolina. They know how to achieve civil justice for these preventable tragedies. We often utilize world-class infectious disease experts and have the resources to pursue an infection case for as long as it takes, including a jury trial and beyond. Contact Zaytoun & Ballew today.